Aus Erde, Wasser, Feuer, Luft und Äther dann
Fünffach entwickelt sich die Yoga-Tugend;
Der weiß nichts mehr von Krankheit, Alter, Leiden,
Der einen Leib erlangt aus Yogafeuer.
Paul Deussen - 1897
When, as earth, water, light, heat, and ether arise, the fivefold quality of Yoga takes place 2, then there is no longer illness, old age, or pain 3 for him who has obtained a body, produced by the fire of Yoga.
Max Müller - 1879
2: | The Yogaguna is described as the quality of each element, i.e. smell of the earth, taste of water, &c. It seems that the perception of these gunas is called yogapravritti. Thus by fixing the thought on the tip of the nose, a perception of heavenly scent is produced; by fixing it on the tip of the tongue, a perception of heavenly taste; by fixing it on the point of the palate, a heavenly colour; by fixing it on the middle of the tongue, a heavenly touch; by fixing it on the roof of the tongue, a heavenly sound. By means of these perceptions the mind is supposed to be steadied, because it is no longer attracted by the outward objects themselves. See Yoga-sûtras I, 35. |
3: | Or no death, na mrityuh, B. |
Behendigkeit, Gesundheit, Unbegehren,
Ein klares Antlitz, Lieblichkeit der Stimme,
Schöner Geruch, der Ausscheidungen wenig, –
Darin betätigt sich zuerst der Yoga.
Paul Deussen - 1897
The first results of Yoga they call lightness, healthiness, steadiness, a good complexion, an easy pronunciation, a sweet odour, and slight excretions.
Max Müller - 1879
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