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  • Ashtanga Yoga

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    Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Frank Kappas Norrvy, Nyköping frankkappas@hotmail.com www.frankkappas.com

  • Chuck Miller

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    Kontakt-Info Chuck Miller Chuck Miller Honokaa, Hawaii www.chuckandmaty.com

  • Ashtanga Paris

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    Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Paris Linda Munro 40 ave de la Republique Paris info@ashtangayogaparis.fr www.ashtangayogaparis.fr Linda was first introduced to yoga in 1996 in Toronto, Canada with Ron Reid and

  • Yoga Shala Vienna

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    Kontakt-Info Yoga Shala Vienna Sascha Hartl Mariahilferstraße 115 Wien office@yoga-shala.at yoga-shala.at/ Yoga ist eine Philosophie, die auf mehrere tausend Jahre Erfahrung zurückblicken kann. Wir fü

  • Ashtanga Yoga Bali Research Center

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    Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Bali Research Center Anthony "Prem" Carlisi Nyuh Kuning, Ubud, Bali, Indonesien prem@ashtangaworld.com www.ashtangaworld.com Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Bali Research Center

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  • The Birmingham Centre for Chinese Medicine, Birmingham

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    Kontakt-Info The Birmingham Centre for Chinese Medicine, Birmingham Tracy West 245 Alcester Road South Birmingham tracymaria2002@yahoo.com www.ashtangayogabirmingham.co.uk

  • Cary Perkins

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    Kontakt-Info Cary Perkins Cary Perkins 449-453 Bethnal Green Road London ashtangayogaeast@gmail.com www.ashtangayogaeast.blogspot.com

  • Yoga Moves

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    Kontakt-Info Yoga Moves Eileen Hall 30 Alma St Paddington Sydney yoginie@hotmail.com www.yogamoves.com.au