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  • Yoga Moves

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    Kontakt-Info Yoga Moves Eileen Hall 30 Alma St Paddington Sydney yoginie@hotmail.com www.yogamoves.com

  • Bulgarian Ashtanga Yoga Academy

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    Kontakt-Info Bulgarian Ashtanga Yoga Academy Irina Bachvarova 11 Ljuljak str Ruse yogashala@abv.bg www

  • Ashtanga Yoga München

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    Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga München Manfred Gauper Wörthstrasse 9, Haidhausen München manfredgauper@mac

  • Ashtanga Yoga Boston

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    Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Boston Jean Cho 186 Hampshire Street Cambridge, MA info@ashtangayogaboston

  • Florence Yoga

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    Kontakt-Info Florence Yoga Michelle Ryan 140 Pine Street Suite 12 Florence info@florenceyoga.com www

  • Ashtanga Yoga Green Hill

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    Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Green Hill Melanie Schwier Goyambokka, Tangalle Sri Lanka info@ashtangayo

  • Mariana Alegre

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    Kontakt-Info Mariana Alegre Yoga Selva Mariana Alegre Artilleros 2469 Buenos Aires selvamariana@gmail

  • the ashtanga yoga center

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    Kontakt-Info the ashtanga yoga center Peg Mulqueen 4000 Albemarle St. Washington D.C. pegmulqueen@me

  • Yoga! Phnom Penh

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    Kontakt-Info Yoga! Phnom Penh Alison Hawkins 39, Street 21 Phnom Penh phnompenhyoga@gmail.com www.yo

  • Ashtanga Yoga Boston

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    Kontakt-Info Ashtanga Yoga Boston George Whiteside 186 Hampshire Street Cambridge, MA info@ashtangayogaboston