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  • yogasp

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    Cardoso, 366 A, 1º trás Coimbra bruno@yogasp.com.br www.yogasp.com

  • Ashtanga-Iserlohn

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    z 12 Iserlohn info@ashtanga-iserlohn.com ashtanga-iserlohn.com Ausbildung in der ashtanga yogawerkstatt

  • The Shala Yoga House, New York

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    Broadway, 2nd Floor New York info@theshala.com www.theshala.com

  • The Yoga Loft, Edmonton

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    Edmonton, Alberta theyogaloft@hotmail.com www.theyogaloft.com

  • Ashtanga Yoga Jiva

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    Pathumwan Bangkok nigeljmarshall@hotmail.com www.ashtangajiva.com

  • Yoga & Ayurveda - John Schlammes

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    / LU Email: johnschlammes@mac.com Webseite: www.yoga-johnschlammes.com

  • Ashtanga Yoga: Ann Arbor

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    Elmo's) Ann Arbor annarborashtanga@gmail.com www.ashtangaannarbor.com

  • Ashtanga Yoga Düsseldorf & more

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    info@ashtangayogaduesseldorf.com Website: https://www.ashtangayogaduesseldorf.com/ Telefon: 0175/8528382

  • Yoga Vedic Village

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    Shilaj. Ahmedabad drbirjuacharya@yahoo.com www.scienceofyoga.com/

  • Maui Mysore Style

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    Paia, Hawaii 96779 shari.berman@gmail.com mauimysorestyle.com/