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Community ▸ YogiFinder ▸ Hatha Schulen
Bremen farinabehme@gmx.de; diana_thielen@hotmail.com; mail@vinyaloft.de www.vinyaloft.de/
Community ▸ YogiFinder ▸ Ashtanga Schulen
Frankel Leo u. 6. Budapest ildiko.erdos23@gmail.com www.bandhaworks.hu
Schöneberg Ananda Leone <officeAnanda@googlemail.com> - webmaster: Peter Hein <peter@yogaakademie.de>
gabriele_severini@ashtanga-roma.org, gabsever@gmail.com www.ashtanga-roma.org
Community ▸ YogiFinder ▸ AYI Schulen
yoga-rauhenstein.de http://www.yoga-rauhenstein.com/
Anja Brenko Južna cesta 6 Izola joga.soba@gmail.com www.jogasoba.si Yoga found me and it's my life now
Sofokli Venizelou 149 Halandri aalexandridi@gmail.com www.yogashakti.gr Private lessons and small group
Reibeltgasse 3 97070 Würzburg DE www.andreas-lutz.com/ Körpertherapie (Rolfing, körperzentrierte Traum
Calgary Danablonde@shaw.ca www.yogashalacalgary.com Traditional mysore style classes, along with led
namaste@ashtangayoga-herdin.at Web: www.facebook.com/asthangayoga.herdin Zweiter Standort: Lerchenfel