Friday night - Ashtanga Foundations (1.5 hours)
In-depth fundamentals of Ashtanga Yoga. In this class we’ll work through Surya Namaskara to look at the root techniques that inform the internal practice of Ashtanga Yoga. We’ll explore the creative connection between ujjayi breathing and the vinyasa movement system as well as the role of bandha’s (locks), dristi (gazing), and dhyana (meditation) in the practice.
Saturday morning - Mysore (2.5 hours)
Saturday afternoon - Question and Answer (1.5 hours)
Sunday morning - Mysore (2.5 hours) 25 minute breakPranayama (1 hour)
Pranayama: The pranayama classes will include the basic elements for establishing a more breath centered practice including learning to refine ujjayi (victorious breath), and practicing such techniques as viloma (interrupting the breath), and khumbhaka (retaining the breath). You'll be introduced to the Ashtanga Yoga Pranayama sequence.
1 hour break - Asana Kitchen (2 hours)
Participants will write down their asana questions and David will make a selection based on the most popular questions. We'll look at the asana in a progressive, step by step way in order to benefit a range of student from beginner to advanced.
David's Bio
David Garrigues first traveled to India in 94' to study Ashtanga yoga with Sri K Pattabhi Jois. Three years later he had completed the Advanced A Series. By 97' he was certified by Guruji and became one of a few teachers in the United States certified to teach Ashtanga Yoga. He is the director of the Ashtanga Yoga School of Philadelphia.He teaches workshops, Mysore intensives, and in-depth studies in the US and abroad. He has written and recorded two Kirtan cd's, released dvd sets on Ashtanga Yoga's Primary Series and Ashtanga Yoga's Pranayama Sequence. He has also written a book about pranayama titled Vayu Siddhi. David's bimonthly blog, which is steadfastly committed to his mission, uses both video and written articles, to inspire both the beginner and the advanced practitioner to progress in practice.
Price & Registration
Regular 250€Early bird 220€ (until 1st September 2013)save your space - only a limited number of students will be accepted to this unique workshop!
for registration email to janoschworkshopinulm@gmail.com