Ulm ▸ Spezials
Praxis, Playground Im Verlauf des Workshops 30-45 min. Pause. Anmeldung 65,00 € Inhalt 1 Platz *USt-frei
Mein AYI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnbqUjS1pEI ab ca. min. 3,0) meinen ersten schweren Bandscheibenprolaps [...] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnbqUjS1pEI ab ca. min. 3,0) meinen ersten schweren Bandscheibenprolaps
collected immediately after awakening, 30, 45 and 60 min after awakening, at 1500 h and at 2000 h. We asked [...] collected outside the following time frames: (i) ±15 min for the rst three samples (T2: two samples excluded; [...] excluded; T3: four samples excluded); (ii) ±30 min for the fourth sample (T2: four samples excluded; T3: two