dt ¼ fD;k ðcþ eÞ VG 8> < > : : ð37Þ In a very similar way to what happens in the case of one-ventricle [...] responsibility in stabilizing the OP. Owing to the similar results between the systems with one and two ventricles [...] eigenvalues of a system with the FFm and of a similar system (i.e. a system with the same set of values
then do Chakrasana and Pashimottanasana. • Start similar, then stand up from Urdhva Dhanurasana and drop
Mein AYI(R) ▸ Mein eLearning / eMTC
2 - that, too, is just the word Om. #RH 2 : A similar phrase occurs at Śvet. 6. 5 b. ~h2~sarva.m_hy- [...] interpretations. Of each of sections 8-10 there are, similarly, several interpretations. ~h2~su.suptaa-sthaana
disaster influences infant temperament in a manner similar to that observed with other pregnancy-related dis-
of collagen deposition (Fleenor et al., 2010). Similarly, lifelong aerobic exercise in mice prevents the [...] commitment required for low-resistance IMST is similar to that required to meet aerobic exercise guidelines [...] Different exercise training modalities produce similar endothelial function improvements in individuals
gene (NR3C1) promoter (Hompes et al., 2013). Similarly, maternal exposure to war stress, material deprivation