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Gesucht nach postures.
  • Self Led Vinyasa with David Regelin

    Ulm   ▸   Spezials

    within root postures of every category that serve as blueprint for most every other posture imaginable [...] includes more advanced postures, transitions, and descriptions, including lotus postures, handstands, and bandhas [...] have in order to transition efficiently between postures and minimize or eliminate impact. .breath and

  • Exploring Krishnamacharya with Anthony 'Grimmly' Hall

    Ulm   ▸   Spezials

    each of the asana, the longer stays in certain postures, the employment of bandhas as well as the vinyasa [...] asana. This allows us to take a key asana and see postures that lead both up to that asana and might be employed [...] employed as preparation, as well as postures that lead on from the chosen asana allowing as to develop

  • Friday Night Flow

    Ulm   ▸   Kurse

    stray from the traditional count or sequences of postures, and the vinyasa between poses will also take

  • Moving Prayer

    Community   ▸   YogiFinder   ▸   Ashtanga Schulen

    moving a body into alignment or more deeply into a posture) is to be as sensitive as possible to the receiver’s

  • 2007-01-01_Leslie-Kaminoff-Seite.pdf

    supination. Working Cravity, and the tensegrity of the posture, which is bound. To enter the pose, spinal flexors

  • Yoga Sutra 2.46-48: Über die Körperhaltung (Asana)

    Philosophie    ▸   Quelltexte und Sanskrit    ▸   Yoga Sutra    ▸   Yoga Sutra 2: UEber die spirituelle Praxis (Ronald, Laura)

    Sitzen fest und bequem, Paul Deussen - 1908 A ‘posture’ is what is steady and pleasant. James R. Ballantyne [...] effort and through attaining to the infinite (Do ‘Postures’ become steady and pleasant). James R. Ballantyne

  • Yoga Sutra 2.27-29: Ashtanga Yoga als systematischer Übungsweg

    Philosophie    ▸   Quelltexte und Sanskrit    ▸   Yoga Sutra    ▸   Yoga Sutra 2: UEber die spirituelle Praxis (Ronald, Laura)

    (1) Forbearance, (2) Religious observance, (3) Postures, (4) Suppression of the breath, (5) Restraint

  • Ursprünge des Ashtanga Yogas (Teil 1/3)

    Philosophie    ▸   Philosophie und Tradition

    Literatur Singleton: Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice Desikachar, Kaustrub: The yoga of the

  • 2013-06_Dt-Yoga-Forum_Teil1.pdf

    literatur Singleton: Yoga Body: The origins of Modern Posture Practice Desikachar, Kaustrub: The yoga of the

  • Yotree Yoga

    Community    ▸   YogiFinder    ▸   AYI Schulen

    Yotree Yoga Im eisernen Zeit 1 8006 Zürich www.ashtanga-holistic.ch