Ulm ▸ Spezials
this class we’ll work through Surya Namaskara to look at the root techniques that inform the internal [...] selection based on the most popular questions. We'll look at the asana in a progressive, step by step way
Philosophie ▸ Quelltexte und Sanskrit ▸ Shvetashvatara Upanishad ▸ SVU 1 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)
so is the Self seized within the self, if man looks for him by truthfulness and penance 3 ; Max Müller [...] remember that he who is seized is the same as he who looks for the hidden Self. But the metre would be much [...] Endziel der Upanishad. Paul Deussen - 1897 (If he looks) for the Self that pervades everything, as butter
Mein AYI(R) ▸ Mein eLearning / eMTC
actually a bone? What does it feel like? I have looked up illustrations on the internet and it doesn't [...] actually a bone? What does it feel like? I have looked up illustrations on the internet and it doesn't
Ulm ▸ Spezials
relatively quickly to Ashtanga Advanced series and looking for ever more asana to practice Anthony came across
Mein AYI(R) ▸ Mein eLearning / eMTC
ersteht er wieder neu. #PD Look back how it was with those who came before, look forward how it will be with [...] as asking for a wished-for object, pratikshâ as looking forward with a view to obtaining an unknown object