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  • Asana kitchen w/ David Garrigues

    Ulm   ▸   Spezials

    this class we’ll work through Surya Namaskara to look at the root techniques that inform the internal [...] selection based on the most popular questions. We'll look at the asana in a progressive, step by step way

  • The Yoga Shala

    Community   ▸   YogiFinder   ▸   Ashtanga Schulen

    teachers to learn the history of the practice, and is looking forward to many trips to India to connect with

  • Yogastudio Soest in-move.

    Community   ▸   YogiFinder   ▸   Ashtanga Schulen

    in-move. Gini H. Hubrich Arnsberger Str. 13 c Soest look@in-move.biz www.in-move.biz Das Yogastudio in-move

  • SVU 1.13-16

    Philosophie    ▸   Quelltexte und Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 1 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    so is the Self seized within the self, if man looks for him by truthfulness and penance 3 ; Max Müller [...] remember that he who is seized is the same as he who looks for the hidden Self. But the metre would be much [...] Endziel der Upanishad. Paul Deussen - 1897 (If he looks) for the Self that pervades everything, as butter

  • Jalandhara Development

    Mein AYI(R)    ▸   Mein eLearning / eMTC

    actually a bone? What does it feel like? I have looked up illustrations on the internet and it doesn't [...] actually a bone? What does it feel like? I have looked up illustrations on the internet and it doesn't

  • Exploring Krishnamacharya with Anthony 'Grimmly' Hall

    Ulm   ▸   Spezials

    relatively quickly to Ashtanga Advanced series and looking for ever more asana to practice Anthony came across

  • Shvetashvatara Upnishad 3.5-6: Anrufung an Rudra

    Philosophie    ▸   Quelltexte und Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad: Zwischen Sankhya und Vedanta    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upnishad Kapitel 3: Vom Wandel zum Absoluten um uns (Brahman) und in uns (Purusha) (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    - 1897 2 O Rudra, thou dweller in the mountains, look upon us with that most blessed form of thine which

  • Yoga Sutra 2.20-22: Wie Deine Wahrnehmung funktioniert

    Philosophie    ▸   Quelltexte und Sanskrit    ▸   Yoga Sutra    ▸   Yoga Sutra 2: UEber die spirituelle Praxis (Ronald, Laura)

    The ‘seer’ (soul) is vision simply, though pure looking directly on ideas. James R. Ballantyne - 1852 tad-artha

  • SVU 2.14-16

    Philosophie    ▸   Quelltexte und Sanskrit    ▸   Shvetashvatara Upanishad    ▸   SVU 2 (Ronald, Nils Jacob)

    will be born 2 . He stands behind all persons, looking everywhere. Max Müller - 1879 2 : This verse is

  • Katha Upanishad 1.1

    Mein AYI(R)    ▸   Mein eLearning / eMTC

    ersteht er wieder neu. #PD Look back how it was with those who came before, look forward how it will be with [...] as asking for a wished-for object, pratikshâ as looking forward with a view to obtaining an unknown object